(Simultaneous) Speech Translation: Challenges and Techniques |
Universität Zürich |
27.10.2020 |
Teaching Machine Translation additional Constraints |
Universität Heidelberg |
02.12.2020 |
Automated Speech Translation: Challenges, Approaches and Research Directions |
05.06.2023 |
Modularizing NMT Systems by Standardizing Neural Representations |
Nvidia |
22.11.2022 |
Survey talk: „Spoken Language Translation” |
Interspeech 2019 |
17.09.2019 |
End-to-End Speech Translation |
IASNLP 2022 |
02.07.2022 |
Teaching Machine Translation additional Constraints |
Google |
23.06.2020 |
Speech Translation Tutorial |
EACL 2021 |
19.04.2021 |
Translating the Unknown –Zero-shot challenges in NMT |
ByteDance AI Labs |
16.06.2021 |
Mehr als nur Bahnhof verstehen - KI für Sprachtechnologien |
Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung |
01.07.2022 |
Translating the Unknown –Zero-shot challenges in NMT |
Apple |
02.06.2021 |
AI and Interpretation |
01.07.2023 |
Automated Speech Translation: Challenges and Approaches |
13.11.2020 |
Tutorial: Speech translation |
15th China Conference on Machine Translation (CCMT 2019) |
27.09.2019 |